Friday, July 8, 2011

"Sneak smell"

"Sneak smell"
By Kris

I once had a girlfriend named Vicky, she was a few years younger than me but still quite a knock-out. She was really nice, she also had a size 34 B in case you are wondering...
Anyway, during our relationship, we often sat close and held or hugged, but sometimes I would move away when her legs were across my lap so I would be close to her feet with my head at the opposite end of the couch. I tried to shift her feet close to my face sometimes by jolting or rolling my body different ways. I then would kid her about her feet by my face(hoping she would make me smell them). Until one day she basically did...we were holding hands but spread out on opposite ends of the couch half laying. Her feet near my head, mine on the floor(sounds awkward hey?) I kept looking at her feet when she wasn't watching, looking at the bottoms of her white socks. I then looked at her, and because our fingers were almost locked I said, "look, I'm trapped." She just kind of looked at me funny at first and then kept watching TV. I hinted it again and she didn't quite get it until I gestured to her feet with my eyes and head. She then moved her feet over my nose and said, "Do they smell pretty?" All I could do was nod and say "yep". She just kind of moved them away after that.
Then one night I was at her house cuddling, kissing, sort of watching a movie really late. Her sister just went to bed because it was over. We kissed a little longer, and started to fall asleep on her basement couch. As she fell asleep, I slowly moved my head to the other end of the couch where her feet were. I carefully lifted her legs onto my chest, being that she was laying sideways. I pulled her foot close to my face and began to smell them, it was stuffy under the blanket so I lifted it off from on top and just smelled. I then carefully removed her socks, and smelled her bare feet while Mr. Happy got a fast massage (if you know what I mean). After that I just layed there, trying to fall asleep with her feet nearby. I hardly slept at all. I woke after about maybe an hour of sleep and woke her with a kiss, saying I have to leave. My mom might have been worried because I was only 17 and she had no clue where I was. So we hugged and said goodnight as she walked me to the door. And that was about the only time I got to have her feet that close, too bad she never knew...her socks were taken off and still on the floor of the basement...or did she?

There you go, that is a true story, it happened to me. Please, if you add this to your site and want to name the author, name me only as Kris, no more. Thanks aot, and love the site.



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